Mezhkniga cover with official cancellation
International Post Office
International Post Office
MGOK cover
Barnaul official cancellation Barnaul - Titov hometown
Meeting in Moscow
the last revolution
Mezhkniga cover with 1st anniversary official cancellation
MGOK (Moscow City Collector Society) cover with official cancellation
1st anniversary official cancellation
1st anniversary official cancellation
1st anniversary official cancellation
unusual purple 1st anniversary official cancellation
vignette full sheet
gold vignette full sheet RARE
two types of vignettes with club cancellation
2nd anniversary
2nd anniversary
2nd anniversary
3rd anniversary
2001 - 40th anniversary of German Titov space flight
2010 - 75th anniversary of German Titov
official cover
official card
2011 - 50th anniversary of German Titov space flight
official card
official card
G&G "space fleet" series note - MV Morzhovets had no connection to Vostok 2 flight
2015 - 80th anniversary of German Titov
private design
2016 - 55th anniversary of German Titov space flight
private design with stamped cachet
official stamped cachet
ITC Marka card with commemorative cinderella
note colorful stamped cachet