ASTP Pre-launch covers

Initial plans meetings

US - USSR space cooperation agreement signature

US - USSR space cooperation agreement signature

Soviet team arrive at MSC

ASTP docking talks

Preliminary System Review (stage I) note, the ASTP emblem was introduced only on March 1974 thus this cachet in not 100% "clean"

Fletcher meeting with Keldysh

Apollo crew selection

Apollo crew selection a classic signed cover by Apollo crew

Soviet cosmonauts at JSC signed by Soyuz-19 crew

ASTP Docking talks SCCS

Soviet cosmonauts visit JSC SV-ASTP-1973-T1

Soviet cosmonauts visit JSC

ASTP docking talks

"fantasy" cover the actual ASTP Saturn 1B roll-out took place on Mar 24, 1975

President Nixon visit to JSC

President Nixon visit to JSC

Soviet cosmonauts and engineers arrived at JSC

Docking talks SCCS cover with MPP

further plans SCCS cover

Further plans SCCS cover with MPP

Apollo crew for 3 week training in USSR

Cosmos-672 launch - unmanned analogue of Soyuz-19 spacecraft SV-CS-1974-T1-brown

ASTP docking tests

ASTP flight crews arrive in Washington, DC

ASTP flight crews meet with President Ford

Apollo command module arrived on C-5 cargo plane at Cape Canaveral

Apollo command module arrived on C-5 cargo plane at Cape Canaveral

Meeting in Houston

Cosmonaut training in JSC SCCS cover with MPP

Cosmonaut training in JSC SCCS cover

ATS-6 testing

Russian flight directors visit JSC

Russian flight directors visit JSC

Soviet flight controllers in JSC

Soyuz 16 launch

Soyuz-16 tracking exercise

Soyuz 16 docking

Soyuz 16 landing

joint procedures simulations

Soyuz-17 docking Salyut tracking by NASA. Although this cover shows the event as part of ASTP preparation, Soyuz-17 has never been tasked to perform any ASTP activity (at least officially).

Altitude Chamber test with prime crew

Altitude Chamber test with prime crew

Altitude Chamber test with prime crew

2nd CSM manned Altitude Chamber test with backup crew

Last major meeting of the work groups

Last major meeting of the work groups

Final meetings in US

Docking test with both USSR and US docking stations

ASTP crews arrive at KSC Bob Whitney cachet

ASTP crews arrive at KSC

Soviet crews arrive at KSC

ASTP crews arrive at KSC SV-ASTP-1975-T1

Last day of KSC visit. Launch facilities inspection and press conference

Last day of KSC visit. Launch facilities inspection and press conference

cosmonauts visit KSC

cosmonauts visit KSC

JSC visit and training

ASTP spacemen arrive at JSC looks more like a souvenir card with no stamp and postmark, but signed by Alexey Leonov

ASTP spacemen arrive at JSC

ASTP spacemen arrive at JSC

Final joint crew training in JSC

Final joint crew training in JSC machine cancellation

Final joint crew training in JSC

Final preflight joint press conference

Final preflight joint press conference

Simulations between Moscow and Houston

Simulations between Moscow and Houston

Simulations between Moscow and Houston

Simulations between Moscow and Houston

Saturn 1B launch vehicle start moving to the Pad B, Launch Complex 39

cover carried on the ML-1 launcher that moved Saturn 1B to the Pad 39

arrangement made by Ken Havekotte

Saturn 1-B rolled out to Launch pad 39B

Saturn 1-B roll-out SCCS cachet

Soyuz-16 stamp FDOI SV-S16-1975-T1

US crew visit to Moscow

A. Leonov stamp FDOI SV-ASTP-1975-T2

ASTP flight simulation at JSC

ASTP flight simulation at JSC

Moscow/Houston flight simulation at JSC

Apollo crew press conference on their visit to USSR

Apollo crew press conference on their visit to USSR

Saturn 1B overall test

Emergency egress operations

Emergency egress operations

Flight readiness test, CSM

Flight readiness test, CSM

Last day of flight readiness test

Flight readiness test, LV systems

Flight readiness test, LV systems

Final press conference

Final press conference

Spacecraft ordnance installed

Spacecraft ordnance installed

Leak tests

Leak tests

first day of hypergolic loading

first day of hypergolic loading

first day of hypergolic loading

last day of hypergolic loading

last day of hypergolic loading

last day of hypergolic loading

Saturn RP-1 load

Saturn RP-1 load

Apollo crew isolation begins SCCS

CDDT Starts

CDDT Starts

CDDT - communication test and fuel cell preparation

CDDT - communication test and fuel cell preparation

CDDT - communication test and fuel cell preparation

CDDT, Command module supply loading finished

CDDT, Command module supply loading finished

CDDT, Command module supply loading finished

CDDT, Command module supply loading finished

CDDT, Command module supply loading finished

ASTP flight controllers final simulation

CDDT, helium loading into CSM and batteries activation

Apollo CSM pressurization tests

Apollo CSM pressurization tests

Launch Escape System (LES) checkout

Launch Escape System (LES) checkout

Launch Escape System (LES) checkout

Launch Escape System (LES) checkout

CDDT Wet Complete

CDDT Wet Complete

CDDT complete

final CDDT with prime crew

final CDDT with prime crew

final CDDT with prime crew

June 25 - start of CDDT July 2 - end of CDDT (wet) July 3 - end of CDDT (dry)

launch escape system ordnance installed

Apollo crew arrives at Patrick AFB

Apollo crew arrives at Patrick AFB

US countdown - 42h 30m to LIFTOFF

Cheyenne, WY meter front

Cheyenne, WY meter back