ISS: from 2012 to PRESENT
After 2011 with the end of the Space Shuttle program all the manned flights were performed by three modifications of Soyuz spacecraft – TMA, TMA-M and MS. So on one hand there are less US designed covers to collect, from the other Soyuz dedicated inventory has been greatly improved with the appearance of “new guys in the block” – Russian cachet makers. The postmarks remain the same – Baikonur for launch, Korolev and Houston for mission control and Araklyk for landing, not to forget about Star City for the after-flight welcome event.
Flown space covers have been always a first priority but they cannot be commercialized openly due to the legal issues and therefore are hard to obtain. Energia and Roscosmos covers are sent to ISS in quantities of 50-60 per flight as well as privately designed covers. Sometimes I succeed to grab one or two, sometimes not. Since 2011 a new turn appeared in flown postmarks – ISS special cancellations, starting with the one dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin flight.
I have been started to collect astrophilately from around 2014 and became a real fan of private cachets in 2015, thus there are many gaps associated with earlier Soyuz launched but they will be filled with the course of time. Autographs have never touched me but I try to obtain at least one set for each crew/mission for the sake of astophilatelic coverage.


Korolev - docking

welcome event in Star City
ISS 33 / Soyuz TMA-05M
Yuri Malenchenko
Sunita L. Williams
Akihiko Hoshide
ISS 33-34 / Soyuz TMA-06M
Oleg Novitskiy
Evgeny Tarelkin
Kevin A. Ford
ISS 34 / Soyuz TMA-07M
Roman Romanenko
Thomas H. Marshburn
Chris A. Hadfield

signed by Soyuz TMA-05M crew

On July 16, 2013 during his second EVA astronaut Luca Parmitano came perilously close to drowning in space after more than a liter of water leaked into his helmet.
Forty-four minutes into the walk, the Italian astronaut noticed the back of his head was wet. Ten minutes later he reported the amount of water was increasing. By the time mission control decided to abort the mission 23 minutes later, large droplets of water were starting to cover Parmitano's eyes, nose and ears as he made his way toward the air lock. Somehow 1 1/2 liters of water had made it into his helmet.
This was one of the closest calls to lose an astronaut during spacewalk in NASA history.
ISS 36 / Soyuz TMA-8M
Pavel Vinogradov
Aleksandr Misurkin
Christopher J. Cassidy
ISS 36-37 / Soyuz TMA-9M
Fyodor Yurchikhin
Karen L. Nyberg
Luca Parmitano
ISS 37 / Soyuz TMA-10M
Oleg Kotov
Sergey Ryazansky
Michael S. Hopkins

Houston - EVA

Luca Parmitano 1st EVA

Luca Parmitano

Houston - EVA


signed by ISS 37-38
ISS 38 / Soyuz TMA-10M
Oleg Kotov
Sergey Ryazansky
Michael S. Hopkins
ISS 38-39 / Soyuz TMA-11M
Mikhail Tyurin
Richard A. Mastracchio
Koichi Wakata
ISS 39-40 / Soyuz TMA-12M
Aleksandr Skvortsov
Oleg Artemyev
Steven R. Swanson
ISS 40 / Soyuz TMA-13M
Maksim Surayev
Gregory R. Wiseman
Alexander Gerst
ISS 41 / Soyuz TMA-14M
Aleksandr Samokutyaev
Yelena Serova
Barry E. Wilmore

delivery of Olympic torch to ISS

Soyuz TMA-11M

Olympic torch in space

Olympic torch in space

Olympic torch in space

welcome event in Star City


Alexander Gerst INFOPOST private postal service

signed by ISS 38

Interesting point regarding ISS "visitor" Aidyn Aimbetov who came aboard Soyuz TMA-18M, besides being the first KazCosmos cosmonaut he was the fourth choice for the "tourist" chair. The primary tourist was planned to be British singer Sara Brightman but she withdrew from training, her backup — Japanese businessman Satoshi Takamatsu was not ready by the launch, then came Russian businessman Filaret Galchev but he dropped as well due to lack of time for training. Finally the spot was taken by KazCosmos.
One cover shows the original emblem of Soyuz TMA-18M with Sarah Brightman name but only two signatures – Volkov and Morgensen. I will try to get Sarah’s to complete the story.

15th anniversary of launch



welcome event in Star City

welcome event in Star City
ISS 41-42 /Soyuz TMA-14M
Aleksandr Samokutyayev
Yelena Serova
Barry E. Wilmore
ISS 42-43 / Soyuz TMA-15M
Anton Shkaplerov
Samantha Cristoforetti
Terry W. Virts
ISS 43 / Soyuz TMA-16M
Gennady Padalka
Mikhail Korniyenko
Scott J. Kelly

A letter written by Gennady Padalka while commanding ISS Expedition 44. The letter was dedicated to the 40th anniversary of Apollo-Soyuz flight and Gennady record of highest cumulative number of days in space. After being in space and getting all relevant postmarks the letter was posted from Star City to USA. Unfortunately several drops of rain damaged the cover giving it a “harsh serviced” look.

welcome event in Star City


welcome event in Star City


Aidyn Aimbetov

original crew - Sarah Brightman


welcome event in Star City
ISS 44 / Soyuz TMA-16M
Gennady Padalka
Mikhail Korniyenko
Scott J. Kelly
ISS 44-45 / Soyuz TMA-17M
Oleg Kononenko
Kimiya Yui
Kjell N. Lindgren
ISS 45-46 / Soyuz TMA-18M
Sergey Volkov
ISS 46 /Soyuz TMA-19M
Yuri Malenchenko
Timothy Peake
Timothy L. Kopra
The special cancellations with red date were privately arranged by Gennady Padalka.

878 days in space

Roskosmos cover

1 year mission of Scott Kelly

welcome event in Star City
RKK Energia instruction given to cosmonauts in regards of postmarking 60 souvenir covers commemorating ISS Expedition 45 and Soyuz TMA-18M mission. The document lists the required dates of Expedition start and end, while giving printed example. It also request to apply genuine ISS postmarks and signatures of Expedition members. The projected dates on the fixed postmarks are different from the actual dates of the Expedition on the real ISS postmarks – 04.09.2015 (02.09.2015) and 11.12.2015 (22.12.2015). The document bears the signature of all 6 members of Expedition 45.
Mikhail Korniyenko
Scott J. Kelly
Oleg Kononenko
Kimiya Yui
Kjell N. Lindgren
Sergey Volkov
There is no signature of Aidyn Aimbetov – the first Kazakh cosmonaut as he was not a part of Expedition and most probably was missing onboard at the time the covers were prepared (staying on ISS for 9 days only). The document is signed by Vladimir Salomatin, responsible in RKK Energia for postal activities.
The document is 100% genuine including all signatures and postmarks.

Special cover commemorating Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko 1 year long stay in space through the ISS 43, 44, 45 and 46 expeditions. The cover signed by all crew members:
Scott Kelly (ISS 43/44/45/46)
Mikhail Kornienko (ISS 43/44/45/46)
Anton Shkaplerov (ISS 43)
Terry Virts (ISS 43)
Samantha Cristoforetti (ISS 43)
Gennady Padalka (ISS 43/44)
Oleg Kononenko (ISS 44/45)
Kimiya Yui (ISS 44/45)
Kjell Lindgren (ISS 44/45)
Sergey Volkov (ISS 45/46)
Yuri Malenchenko (ISS 46)
Tim Peake (ISS 46)
Timothy Kopra (ISS 46),
Aidyn Aimbetov (Soyuz TMA-18M)

Huntspex special postmark



Star City

welcome event in Star City

welcome event in Star City
ISS 47 /Soyuz TMA-19M
Yuri Malenchenko
Timothy Peake
Timothy L. Kopra
ISS 47-48 /Soyuz TMA-20M
Aleksey Ovchinin
Oleg Skripochka
Jeffrey N. Williams
ISS 48 /Soyuz MS-01
Anatoli Ivanishin
Takuya Onishi
Kathleen Rubins

Energia flown cover

Energia flown cover

ISS postmarks on reverse




welcome event in Star City

welcome event in Star City


the crew handed over a part of relics of Saint Seraphim of Sarov to a church in the Star City after it spent over 6 months on ISS

welcome event in Star City

welcome event in Star City
ISS 49 /Soyuz MS-01
Anatoli Ivanishin
Takuya Onishi
Kathleen Rubins
ISS 49 - 50 / Soyuz MS-02
Sergey N. Ryzhikov
Andrei Borisenko
Robert S. Kimbrough
ISS 50 / Soyuz MS-03



welcome event in Star City

welcome event in Star City

serviced cover

serviced cover

welcome event in Star City


welcome event in Star City




welcome event in Star City




ISS 53 /Soyuz MS-05
Sergey Ryazansky
ISS 53 - 54 / Soyuz MS-06
ISS 54 / Soyuz MS-07
Norishige Kanai
Scott D. Tingle
ISS 56 - 57 / Soyuz MS-09
Sergey Prokopyev
Alexander Gerst
Serena M. Auñón-Chancellor


Kanai Norishige


ISS 57 - 58
ISS 58 / Soyuz MS-11
ISS 61 / Soyuz MS-15
Oleg Skripochka
Jessica Meir
Hazza Al Mansouri
ISS 65 / Soyuz MS-18
Oleg Novitsky
Pyotr Dubrov
Mark Vande Hei

Roscosmos cover

signed by Andrey Fedyaev postmark design by Olga Kolyaseva